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President Statement – MSVUSU Update on MSVU Bargaining (3pm, January 30, 2024)

To Mount Saint Vincent University Students' Union Members,

I am writing to update you about the MSVUSU’s current position concerning the bargaining between Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA), which is the union representing MSVU’s nearly 160 full-time faculty, librarians, lab instructors; and MSVU Board of Governors (MSVU BOG).

Most of you have likely received and reviewed January 29th CampusWide Bulletin email informing students of the situation. If not, please check your MSVU email for the announcement.

Please note that strike action is not taking place currently. Classes are to proceed normally until otherwise indicated.

I remain hopeful that there is no strike happening; however, should it happen, it will begin on February 10th.

The MSVU Students’ Union is devoted to advancing and safeguarding its members' well-being, especially in uncertain times. If the strike happens, our first step is to swiftly create a collective strategy that incorporates members' thoughts, values, and concerns.

I strongly recommend that you should inform yourself about the issue by utilizing the resources available on the MSVU Faculty Association website and the MSVU Labour Relations website. This will empower your input to the Students' Representative Council to authentically represent your values. For a list of the Student Representative Council members and their contact information, please visit

As a student, I recognize the gravity of this conversation and hope it doesn't cause distress. The team at MSVU Students’ Union and I are here and ready to assist members. Reach out for answers on potential academic impacts or unique issues arising from a strike. Contact me at to seek clarification or share your viewpoint with our Students' Representative Council.





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